Professional Education Classes

How can you be a caregiver without the right tools? Learn the best non-pharmacological practices in dementia care.

Dementia Connection Model©


There are the two evidenced-based care models from which I base my interventions.

We spend time to determine what matters most to you and your loved one. From there, we choose strategies that will work best for your situation.

I am a Dementia Connection Specialist and Certified Trainer.

The curriculum that I teach in the Dementia Connection Specialist course is open to all caregivers:

  • Understanding Dementia

  • What is the Dementia

    Connection Model©

  • Person-Centered Care

  • Effective Communication

  • Activities of Daily Living Strategies

  • Dynamic Engagement for All

  • Handling Challenging Behavioral Expressions

  • A Dementia-Friendly Environment

  • Mention and Prevention of Abuse

  • Self-Care

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Summer 2024

Limited Space. Enroll Today

How BrainTap® Helped Me As A Caregiver

Mom had just moved to long-term care, and I was a mess.

My brothers and I were arguing and I was having trouble concentrating at work.

Therapy helped but I still couldn't sleep well.

I tried guided meditations and deep breathing, but that monkey mind was keeping me up at night.

I was exhausted and stressed. I really wanted a non-pharmacological solution.

Then I found out about Brain Tap. I immediately slept better. During the day I used it for a mini pick-me-up when I felt my anxiety building, and ultimately, I was able to be present with Mom.

-Beth Dunoff

BrainTap® offers a non-pharmacological and non-invasive alternative to traditional treatment methods for Alzheimer's.

It can be used in the comfort of one's own home, allowing for convenient and frequent sessions. This accessibility empowers patients and their caregivers to take an active role in improving overall quality of life.

I Have Experience Supporting & Treating...

People Living With Dementia

We provide an assessment and collaborate on your goals and wishes. Our focus is to create a system of strategies to help support your independence.

Caregivers Under Stress

We provide you with a tool kit of community resources, strategies to manage your stress and helpful tips in providing person-centered care to your loved one.

Professional Care Providers

We provide dementia education and useful strategies that you can begin using right away on behavior detection, ADL skills, and home safety. When colleagues have the education and skills they need, they feel more engaged and satisfied with their job. Education is key for employee retention.

Family Connection

Dementia is not a part time situation. You want to be able to talk to your loved one or check in on them without the worry that they didn’t charge their phone. We provide resources and education on technology that makes communicating with your loved one remotely as easy as possible.

Brain Change

Sleep is often affected when the brain changes. Explore brain boosting interventions that help loved ones think clearer and sleep better.

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@ 2023 - Fill Your Cup LLC | All Rights Reserved